Color matching case study
AUDI AG, Plant Neckarsulm
Initial Situation
Audi AG is well-known for its high quality standards. At the Neckarsulm plant the company produces vehicles for the upper market segment. In the past it was not possible to analyze and evaluate complete vehicles under different light conditions. In the context of the continuous improvement quality process the Audi AG Neckarsulm commissioned the surface controls with the task, to develop a suitable space where a complete vehicle can be examined under different light scenarios, for the determination of color remarkablenesses
Approach and Challenge
In cooperation with the engineers of Audi AG Neckarsulm different possibilities and conceptions about ColorMatching as well as the local field conditions were recorded and analyzed. The functions of the ColorMatchingSystems and the different color temperatures were precisely defined from the beginning. Audi AG Neckarsulm decided to realize different light scenarios with the help of a semiautomatic color control. A special challenge was the integration of the system into the existing audit area without influencing the ongoing audit processes.
A ColorMatchingBooth was installed which was optimally suited to the requirements and demands of Audi AG Neckarsulm. Color matching was considerably simplified. A precise evaluation of a complete vehicle under constant conditions can now be guaranteed. At the same time a number of assessments can now be carried out at one and the same place and regardless of weather conditions.
Because of its outstanding auditing features the ColorMatchingSystem of surface controls has proved to be very successful. Audi AG Neckarsulm considers to introduce additional systems in other plants, even on an international scale.