Assembly 4 x LED lamp
Reflectance of the products very low to low
Shows defects blisters, bubbles, dents, pits, scratches, paint runs, dirt
Assembly 3 x LED lamp
Reflectance of the products low to very high
Assembly 1 x LED lamp
Shows defects blisters, bubbles, dents, pits, scratches, paint runs, dirt, paint defects
Shows defects blisters, bubbles, dents, pits, scratches, orange peel
Assembly 2 x LED lamps
Reflectance of the products high to very high
Shows defects blisters, bubbles, paint runs, dirt, color defects
Assembly 1 x UV-LED light unit
Shows defects voids
Reflectance of the products very low
Shows defects blisters, bubbles , dents
Assembly 6 x LED lamp
Shows defects polishing defects, holograms, ultrafine defects
Shows defects polishing defects, holograms
Assembly 3 or 4 x LED light units
For following products LPS50, LPS100, VAO
Advantages contemporary adaptation of the lighting systems, significant energy savings
Assembly 2 or 3 x LED light units
Reflectance of the products high
Application Detection of surface and polishing defects, holograms